BEACON Christmas appeal 2019!

Will you stand in solidarity with those seeking shelter and safety and give a Christmas gift of hope and joy to someone seeking asylum in Bradford? 

We need help this Christmas to offer welcome and hospitality to those seeking safety and sanctuary in Bradford, so that we can: 

* Open warm homes to destitute asylum seekers who would otherwise spend the festive season on the streets  

* Provide refreshments, care and warmth to asylum seekers at a time of extreme stress and uncertainty at the Phoenix House immigration and asylum tribunal centre  

* Offer a safe and welcoming place to learn English, make friends and have fun at our CHAT English Club 

* Provide access to justice and legal support to those left without hope to navigate the complex asylum system alone 


Help us reach our target of £1,000 by the end of 2019! 


* £5 will pay for an asylum seeker to travel to an appointment for legal advice with a solicitor 

* £20 will provide a weekly allowance to a hosted asylum seeker to meet their basic needs 

* £25 will pay for a return coach trip to London for an appointment with a psychiatrist in support of an asylum claim 

* £30 will pay for some new resources for our CHAT English Conversation Club 

* £40 will pay for an interpreter for an hour long appointment with a legal advisor 

* £60 will pay for a monthly bus pass for an asylum seeker to travel around the city to appointments and activities 


Click here to donate to our Christmas appeal! 

Click here to set up a regular donation to help us sustain our work in 2020! 



Thank you and Merry Christmas from all at BEACON!

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